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Christopher S. Yang MD FACS

Adult and Pediatric

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Specialist

Board Certified in Otolaryngology Head/Neck Surgery and Sleep Medicine

A passion for helping others led me down the path of Medicine into a career that allows me to provide my patients with ethical, patient centered medical and surgical care.  


I find immense joy in being able to help others in achieving nasal breathing relief and peaceful, quiet, restful sleep.  To be free of breathing burdens can be transformative.  Each person is unique in their story and their anatomy.  Too often, one size fits all solution is promoted.  It may sometimes work but is not in the interest of the patient, only those that promote it.  While I love performing surgery, surgery is not the answer for all.  I strive to recommend the right treatment for the needs of the patient whether it's medical, doing nothing, or surgery, and to empower the individual in their decision making.  And when the path is surgery, to do best to minimize risk, achieve technical excellence, and provide close post-treatment support.

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